Sunday, September 9, 2012

EDRD 6950 Blog 2

Giving the spelling inventory was an interesting experience. It was the first time I had given it, and I definitely learned some things and learned what I would do differently next time.

For one thing, I would definitely do this as a small group assessment, and not as a whole group. Probably over a weeks time, just rotate through the students until everyone has taken the inventory. With a smaller group, it is easier to make sure everyone is keeping up with the inventory and it keeps the distractions to a minimum.

Also I would definitely take the students out of the room if it was possible, and take them somewhere quiet without a lot of activity going on. I took my five "borrowed" students into the hallway and it turned out to be really busy that day since it was Grandparents' week.

Grading the inventory was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I was really worried about it at first.

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